Welcome to BugMe! Version 2.6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (For latest changes, see the bottom of this file) BugMe! is distributed under the shareware scheme. This means that you can try out the program for free. You have 30 days to decide if you like it - if you do, you should buy it, if not, erase it! Registration enables multiple and alarms in BugMe! You can buy the full, registered version of BugMe! for $12 - see http://www.hausofmaus.com or call PilotGear at 800.741.9070 What is BugMe!? +++++++++++++++ BugMe! is like a 'yellow sticky' reminder for the PalmPilot - its better than that though, as you can add alarms to each sticky note! BugMe! lets you quickly jot notes on your PalmPilot and set alarms to have the notes pop-up and bug you. BugMe! lets you scribble on the screen or enter characters using Graffiti. BugMe! is great for when you need to remember something in an hour or so and don't want to bother with the overhead of setting an alarm in the PalmPilot's Datebook. Alarms can be set for a range of intervals between 1 minute and 7 days - simply scribble what you need to remember, choose when you want to be bugged and check the check-box! You can choose from a set of fixed intervals or choose your own time within the next 7 Days. If there's a bug set then BugMe! will change its title (inside the program) to let you know when its due. If you need to remember more than one thing (who doesn't!) then simply select the 'new page' option and scribble another note! You can scroll through your notes using the PalmPilot's scroll buttons or the on-screen scroll buttons. Note that the trial version downloadable from the Internet only supports a single reminder, multiple reminders come after BugMe! is bought (see below!). Above all though, BugMe! is useful and fun - and I hope you enjoy it. If you have any questions or comments about BugMe! please send email to iain@hausofmaus.com You could also check out the Haus Of Maus web site, for other cool PalmPilot apps and occasional BugMe! updates! The URL is http://www.hausofmaus.com/ Using BugMe! ++++++++++++ Nothing could be simpler... Either use the pen to scribble your reminder or use Graffiti to enter some text. The text will appear where you last touched the pen on the screen. You can choose the pen thickness or select an erasor to rub out mistakes - these are chosen with icons at the bottom of the screen. Set the bug time by choosing either one of the defined durations fron the pop up list or by tapping the trigger box at the top of the screen. This brings up a dialog which lets you select a time and day. If the time you select is before the current time, then the alarm will be set for the time chosen on the same day next week - so take care! The title will show the date that the alarm is set, as well as the time. The time setting dialog lets you set a repeat for alarms too, so you can be reminded daily, on weekdays, or every day. To make a new page press the icon on the far left with a little star, to delete a page press the trashcan. If you buy BugMe! you get the ability to create new pages. You can page between them by using the PalmPilot's scroll keys or the on-screen arrow buttons. Palm III users will enjoy some special BugMe! features - these let you use the alarm that you have in the Datebook and change the font that BugMe! uses for on-screen writing. The Palm III version also allows you to delete a note after the alarm has sounded, or to quickly return to BugMe! to set a new alarm for the note. Make sure that you install the version of BugMe! in the PalmOS3+.zip file, included in the BugMe.zip archive. Registering BugMe! ++++++++++++++++++ BugMe! is shareware - this means that you can try it for a while and see if you like it. If you find that you are frequently using BugMe! then you need to pay for it to be able to legally continue using it. If you don't pay after a reasonable evaluation period then you must delete BugMe! from your PalmPilot. The trial version of BugMe! only allows you to have one reminder, when you register I'll provide a key which you need to enter into BugMe! The key will unlock the full buggability of BugMe! letting you remember as much as you need. You can register BugMe! in a variety of ways via the excellent PilotGear service. PilotGear accept all kinds of payment in all forms - credit cards, checks and probably even old-fashioned hard cash! PilotGear will issue you with a registration key. Give them a ring or send a fax if you can't register via the web. Go to http://www.hausofmaus.com for a direct link to the sales page, or visit... http://www.pilotgear.com/ or http://www2.viaweb.com/pilotgearsw/hausofmaus.html Pilot Gear accept credit cards and cheques. BugMe! costs $12. Register securely online or with a toll free phone call to 800.741.9070 You can also fax orders to 817.461.3482. If registering by fax or e-mail please provide the following: Full Name, Address including city, state and zip, phone number, credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express), credit card number, expiration date and of course the fact that you want to buy BugMe! What BugMe! Isn't +++++++++++++++++ Please don't think of BugMe! either as a replacement for any of the PalmPilot's built-in apps or as a drawing package - it ain't, and its never going to be! They all do great jobs and I don't want BugMe! to grow to replace them. Think of BugMe! as the pad of yellow stickies you have on your desk! Great for reminders and quick notes - no good for essays or masterpieces! Legal Stuff +++++++++++ Please familiarise yourself with the accompnaying license.txt file. Basically, you can distribute the unregistered version of BugMe! (but not for profit). The regsitration key and registered versions are not for re-sale or distribution. And you use BugMe! entirely at your own risk. Bits and Bobs +++++++++++++ Please feel free to tell all your friends and co-workers about BugMe! If you want to start developing your own PalmPilot applications (or in fact apps for any handheld computer) then take a look at my other web site - http://www.roadcoders.com What's New ++++++++++ 2.6 Fixed some stack problems by creating a 'slim' version for PalmOS 2 and below. PalmOS 3 version now has 'delete note' and 'launch BugMe!' on alarms. Fixed a little time glitch and removed the 'N' that only I understood! 2.5 Complete re-write Highlights include: improved UI, smooth drawing, better alarm handling, Palm III features 2.4 Added a warning to delete. Added different pen sizes. Added soft scroll buttons. Fixed a stray pen stroke which arose after not selecting the menu. 2.3 Added 'repeat' functionality to custom timed alarms, made 'cancel' in the custom box work like cancel should! Added a 'D' button for quick delete of pages (no warning yet, so be careful!). Fixed a glitch where alarms that should have gone off while another alarm is being displayed aren't missed any more! 2.2 Fixed a problem with the popup menus selected when another app was running. Made the version number in the about box match what it really is! 2.1 Fixed a problem with alarms after records were deleted. Fiddled with the GUI a bit - there's now an 'N' button which makes new notes (if you've registered) and 'C' which clears. Also added a couple of menu items to move forward and backwards, PalmPilot's scroll keys do this too. Fixed glitches with check-boxes after menu operations. 2.00 Now you can set bugs for upto 7 days ahead! Choose via the 'Custom' dialog and pick the day you want! Title now shows more precisely when bugs are set (or not) and there is a page counter to aid navigation Old Changes (The complete history of BugMe!) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.03 Fixed a 'Fatal Error' that occured when selecting a custom time after an alarm has fired when an application other than BugMe! was running - obscure huh! 1.02 Fixed the 'looping reset' that used to happen when the PalmPilot was soft-reset before BugMe! had run after being installed, fixed some drawing glitches. 1.01 Fat erasor, delete most recently entered text (upto 30 chars), bug is set when you select the popup list, more error checking! Change to registered version - can now delete pages when alarms are set.